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See the list of career wins leaders among active District 9 wrestlers

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  Record DEC MD TF F FF-DF
Gr Wrestler Team W L T W% W/L W/L W/L W/L W/L
Sr Hannah, Gavin Brookville 26 2 0 0.929 4/0 2/1 1/0 16/1 3/0
Sr Belfiore, Easton Brookville 26 3 0 0.897 4/3 5/0 3/0 10/0 4/0
Jr Catalone, Cullen St. Mary's 25 5 0 0.833 3/1 4/0 5/1 12/2 1/1
Sr Griffin, Kolton Brookville 23 3 0 0.885 1/2 0/0 5/1 15/0 2/0
Fr Hoare, Kendahl DuBois 22 3 0 0.880 1/1 1/1 8/1 11/0 1/0
Sr Pisarchick, Parker Brockway 22 3 0 0.880 5/1 0/1 2/1 14/0 1/0
Sr Beimel, Aiden St. Mary's 22 4 0 0.846 6/3 2/0 6/0 7/0 1/1
Sr Wehler, Jaden St. Mary's 22 4 0 0.846 1/2 1/1 5/0 13/1 2/0
Fr Gallegos, Mateo DuBois 21 3 0 0.875 6/2 0/0 9/1 5/0 1/0
So Allegretto, Rocco Johnsonburg 21 6 0 0.778 3/3 1/2 9/0 6/0 2/1
So Decker, Madox Brockway 21 6 0 0.778 2/0 2/0 2/0 12/6 3/0
Sr Collins, Brady Clearfield 20 1 0 0.952 1/0 2/1 10/0 7/0 0/0
Jr Smith, Jordan Redbank Valley 20 4 0 0.833 2/2 2/0 0/0 14/2 2/0
Jr Henry, Jacob Central Clarion 20 5 0 0.800 2/1 0/2 0/1 17/1 1/0
Jr Bittler, Avery Johnsonburg 20 6 0 0.769 1/1 1/0 2/2 16/3 0/0
Jr Aaron, Grayson Central Clarion 20 7 0 0.741 3/6 2/0 10/0 2/1 3/0
Jr Thompson, Jordan Bradford 19 1 0 0.950 1/1 2/0 2/0 14/0 0/0
Sr Gourley, Mason Central Clarion 19 2 0 0.905 0/1 0/0 6/0 12/1 1/0
Sr Brosius, Elijah Cranberry 19 3 0 0.864 5/2 5/0 2/1 7/0 0/0
Sr Wilson, Carter DuBois 19 7 0 0.731 3/3 0/1 2/1 11/1 3/1
Jr Rutan, Jordan Punxsutawney 18 3 0 0.857 4/2 1/1 1/0 11/0 1/0
Sr Powell, Logan Central Clarion 18 4 0 0.818 0/2 1/1 4/0 10/1 3/0
Jr Ryan, Colton Clearfield 18 5 0 0.783 2/1 3/3 5/1 8/0 0/0
Jr Walter, Jayce St. Mary's 18 7 0 0.720 2/4 1/1 5/2 9/0 1/0
Fr Casilio, Mario Johnsonburg 18 10 0 0.643 5/2 3/1 1/3 9/4 0/0
Jr Wenner, Dalton Cranberry 17 4 0 0.810 4/4 0/0 4/0 9/0 0/0
So Dobson, Joshua Punxsutawney 16 6 0 0.727 3/0 2/1 3/2 4/1 4/2
So Morris, John Redbank Valley 16 6 0 0.727 0/1 0/0 3/1 11/4 2/0
Sr Ross, Colton Brockway 16 7 0 0.696 3/4 2/1 1/1 10/1 0/0
Sr Wenner, Dane Cranberry 16 7 0 0.696 4/3 1/2 1/1 9/1 1/0
Jr Bumbarger, Colton Clearfield 16 9 0 0.640 1/6 0/3 3/0 11/0 1/0
Sr Jin, Grant St. Mary's 15 9 0 0.625 6/4 0/0 3/3 5/2 1/0
So Steger, Nathan Ridgway 14 3 0 0.824 6/0 1/1 1/0 5/2 1/0
Sr Aveni, Ty Clearfield 14 4 0 0.778 3/3 1/0 0/0 8/0 2/1
Jr Hindmen, Hayden Central Clarion 14 4 0 0.778 0/0 0/0 0/0 11/4 3/0
So Coriaty, Travis Oswayo Valley 14 5 0 0.737 1/0 0/3 3/1 8/1 2/0
So Hawkins, Reed Curwensville 14 5 0 0.737 2/0 2/1 0/1 5/3 5/0
Jr Diehl, Cash Clearfield 14 7 0 0.667 4/2 2/3 1/1 7/1 0/0
Fr Hallock, Carson Bradford 14 8 0 0.636 1/1 0/0 0/1 8/6 5/0
Fr Wehler, Jackson St. Mary's 14 9 0 0.609 1/3 1/1 2/3 10/2 0/0

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