Below is the list of wrestlers who have committed to wrestle in college from the Class of 2025.
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VIEW:   Class of 2025 (117 commits)  |  Class of 2026 (29 commits)

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Date Wrestler High School College Level Wrestler College
11/4/2024 Hayes, Ryan Methacton Sacred Heart University NCAA Div I Hayes, Ryan
Sacred Heart University
10/30/2023 Milheim, Cameron Warrior Run American NCAA Div I Milheim, Cameron
   Warrior Run
12/19/2023 Close, Caleb Bald Eagle Area American NCAA Div I Close, Caleb
   Bald Eagle Area
12/13/2024 Gordon, Arthur Cheltenham Johns Hopkins University NCAA Div III Gordon, Arthur
Johns Hopkins University
10/2/2023 Bruscino, Anthony Wyoming Seminary US Naval Academy NCAA Div I Bruscino, Anthony
   Wyoming Seminary
US Naval Academy
11/15/2023 Householder, Cole Brookville US Naval Academy NCAA Div I Householder, Cole
US Naval Academy
6/5/2024 Filipos, Nikos Wyoming Seminary US Naval Academy NCAA Div I Filipos, Nikos
   Wyoming Seminary
US Naval Academy
9/11/2024 Cole, Gavin Council Rock South US Naval Academy NCAA Div I Cole, Gavin
   Council Rock South
US Naval Academy
10/20/2024 Joseph, Leo Greater Latrobe US Naval Academy NCAA Div I Joseph, Leo
   Greater Latrobe
US Naval Academy
11/6/2023 Botero, Gauge Faith Christian Academy Michigan NCAA Div I Botero, Gauge
   Faith Christian Academy
12/18/2024 Sement, Eren Council Rock North Michigan NCAA Div I Sement, Eren
   Council Rock North
12/6/2023 Rath, Kollin Bethlehem Catholic Missouri NCAA Div I Rath, Kollin
   Bethlehem Catholic
1/29/2024 Lenzi, Carmine Berks Catholic Davidson NCAA Div I Lenzi, Carmine
   Berks Catholic
11/24/2024 Sigle, Chase Downingtown West Duke University NCAA Div I Sigle, Chase
   Downingtown West
Duke University
11/19/2024 Lacinski, Isaac Burrell Gardner-Webb University NCAA Div I Lacinski, Isaac
Gardner-Webb University
5/27/2024 Sipes, Luke Altoona North Carolina NCAA Div I Sipes, Luke
North Carolina
6/25/2024 Botello, Matthew Wyoming Seminary North Carolina NCAA Div I Botello, Matthew
   Wyoming Seminary
North Carolina
10/21/2024 LaJevic, Miranda Knoch Hastings College NAIA LaJevic, Miranda
Hastings College
10/10/2023 Parkins, Tahir Nazareth Rutgers University NCAA Div I Parkins, Tahir
Rutgers University
12/13/2024 Magro, Devon Bishop McCort Rutgers University NCAA Div I Magro, Devon
   Bishop McCort
Rutgers University
12/23/2024 Scanlan, Charlie Bethlehem Catholic Columbia University NCAA Div I Scanlan, Charlie
   Bethlehem Catholic
Columbia University
10/28/2024 Frinzi, Marco Bethlehem Catholic Columbia University NCAA Div I Frinzi, Marco
   Bethlehem Catholic
Columbia University
10/11/2023 Gray, Mark Kiski Area Columbia University NCAA Div I Gray, Mark
   Kiski Area
Columbia University
9/20/2023 Conroy, Jake Ringgold Cornell NCAA Div I Conroy, Jake
12/28/2024 Correa, Jude Wyoming Seminary Cornell NCAA Div I Correa, Jude
   Wyoming Seminary
3/6/2024 Sugalski, Luke Germantown Academy Hofstra University NCAA Div I Sugalski, Luke
   Germantown Academy
Hofstra University
10/24/2024 Hontz, Chase Faith Christian Academy Hofstra University NCAA Div I Hontz, Chase
   Faith Christian Academy
Hofstra University
12/10/2024 Catlow-Sidler, Greyson William Penn Charter Long Island University NCAA Div II Catlow-Sidler, Greyson
   William Penn Charter
Long Island University
9/19/2024 Leeds, Robert Germantown Academy New York University NCAA Div III Leeds, Robert
   Germantown Academy
New York University
1/11/2025 Ruibal, Noah La Salle College John Carroll University NCAA Div III Ruibal, Noah
   La Salle College
John Carroll University
11/21/2024 Huffmyer, Scott North Catholic John Carroll University NCAA Div III Huffmyer, Scott
   North Catholic
John Carroll University
9/22/2024 Higley, Mason Towanda Kent State NCAA Div I Higley, Mason
Kent State
4/17/2024 Shaw, Maddox Thomas Jefferson Ohio State NCAA Div I Shaw, Maddox
   Thomas Jefferson
Ohio State
11/14/2024 Zindle, Zak Hill School Ohio University NCAA Div I Zindle, Zak
   Hill School
Ohio University
8/29/2024 Johnson, Austin Muncy Oklahoma State NCAA Div I Johnson, Austin
Oklahoma State
9/24/2024 Mutarelli, Anthony Council Rock South Oregon State NCAA Div I Mutarelli, Anthony
   Council Rock South
Oregon State
10/15/2024 Shumaker, Matty Methacton Bloomsburg NCAA Div I Shumaker, Matty
10/14/2024 Euker, Carter Perkiomen Valley Bloomsburg NCAA Div I Euker, Carter
   Perkiomen Valley
12/13/2024 Draina, Kyle Crestwood Bloomsburg NCAA Div I Draina, Kyle
9/28/2024 Grogg, Aiden Saucon Valley Bloomsburg NCAA Div I Grogg, Aiden
   Saucon Valley
11/20/2024 Harvey, Mason Red Lion Bloomsburg NCAA Div I Harvey, Mason
   Red Lion
11/4/2024 Deluise, James Bethlehem Catholic Bloomsburg NCAA Div I Deluise, James
   Bethlehem Catholic
10/17/2024 Hannah, Gavin Brookville Bloomsburg NCAA Div I Hannah, Gavin
9/29/2024 Celaschi, Ryan Frazier Bloomsburg NCAA Div I Celaschi, Ryan
9/30/2024 Strickland, Brecken Sun Valley Bloomsburg NCAA Div I Strickland, Brecken
   Sun Valley
10/27/2024 Hudak, Connor Spring-Ford Bloomsburg NCAA Div I Hudak, Connor
5/27/2024 Lawler, Lucas Bishop McDevitt Bucknell NCAA Div I Lawler, Lucas
   Bishop McDevitt
7/5/2024 McFillin, Shane Bethlehem Catholic Bucknell NCAA Div I McFillin, Shane
   Bethlehem Catholic
11/14/2024 Lawler, Ryan Bishop McDevitt Bucknell NCAA Div I Lawler, Ryan
   Bishop McDevitt
12/22/2024 Szczesniuk, Andrij Coatesville Bucknell NCAA Div I Szczesniuk, Andrij
5/30/2024 Mull, Easton Chestnut Ridge Clarion NCAA Div I Mull, Easton
   Chestnut Ridge
6/28/2024 Neely, Carson Port Allegany Clarion NCAA Div I Neely, Carson
   Port Allegany
7/20/2024 Wade, Colton Sullivan County Clarion NCAA Div I Wade, Colton
   Sullivan County
9/13/2024 Hamilton, Cody Grove City Clarion NCAA Div I Hamilton, Cody
   Grove City
9/13/2024 Smith, Matthew Midd-West Clarion NCAA Div I Smith, Matthew
10/21/2024 Lilly, Gabe Ellwood City Clarion NCAA Div I Lilly, Gabe
   Ellwood City
10/21/2024 Lomonte, Angelo Reynolds Clarion NCAA Div I Lomonte, Angelo
11/11/2024 Obrzut, Nate Wyoming Area Delaware Valley NCAA Div III Obrzut, Nate
   Wyoming Area
Delaware Valley
8/3/2024 Kelly, Patrick Central Bucks West Drexel University NCAA Div I Kelly, Patrick
   Central Bucks West
Drexel University
11/21/2024 Carroll, Gavin Quakertown Drexel University NCAA Div I Carroll, Gavin
Drexel University
10/1/2024 Ferraro, Dominic Pine-Richland Edinboro NCAA Div I Ferraro, Dominic
9/25/2024 Polcha, Roman Newport Elizabethtown College NCAA Div III Polcha, Roman
Elizabethtown College
12/16/2024 Hartranft, Brayden Berks Catholic Franklin & Marshall College NCAA Div I Hartranft, Brayden
   Berks Catholic
Franklin & Marshall College
11/14/2024 Ferree, C.J. Central Dauphin Franklin & Marshall College NCAA Div I Ferree, C.J.
   Central Dauphin
Franklin & Marshall College
9/30/2024 Scott, Jesse Emmaus Franklin & Marshall College NCAA Div I Scott, Jesse
Franklin & Marshall College
9/15/2024 Carr, Brandon Sun Valley Franklin & Marshall College NCAA Div I Carr, Brandon
   Sun Valley
Franklin & Marshall College
11/20/2024 Mitchell, Jake Cumberland Valley Gettysburg College NCAA Div III Mitchell, Jake
   Cumberland Valley
Gettysburg College
10/6/2024 Hopkins, Daniel Episcopal Academy Gettysburg College NCAA Div III Hopkins, Daniel
   Episcopal Academy
Gettysburg College
6/3/2024 Holmes, Rowan Somerset Lehigh NCAA Div I Holmes, Rowan
11/14/2024 Christensen, Duncan Malvern Prep Lehigh NCAA Div I Christensen, Duncan
   Malvern Prep
1/11/2025 Krazer, Aubre Easton Lehigh NCAA Div I Krazer, Aubre
1/16/2024 Evanitsky, Anthony Wyoming Seminary Lehigh NCAA Div I Evanitsky, Anthony
   Wyoming Seminary
11/26/2023 Spencer, Vaughn Pine-Richland Lehigh NCAA Div I Spencer, Vaughn
8/30/2024 Masood, Ezra Tussey Mountain Lock Haven NCAA Div I Masood, Ezra
   Tussey Mountain
Lock Haven
4/7/2024 Wetzel, Connor Shikellamy Lock Haven NCAA Div I Wetzel, Connor
Lock Haven
9/26/2024 Murphy, Emily Montgomery Lock Haven NCAA Div I Murphy, Emily
Lock Haven
11/17/2024 Rodriguez, Journie J.P. McCaskey Lock Haven NCAA Div I Rodriguez, Journie
   J.P. McCaskey
Lock Haven
4/4/2024 Hogan, Talan Pennridge Lock Haven NCAA Div I Hogan, Talan
Lock Haven
12/18/2024 Snider, Raegan Northern Bedford Lock Haven NCAA Div I Snider, Raegan
   Northern Bedford
Lock Haven
10/1/2024 Lackey, Anna State College Lock Haven NCAA Div I Lackey, Anna
   State College
Lock Haven
9/18/2024 Gilfoil, Charlotte Central Dauphin Lock Haven NCAA Div I Gilfoil, Charlotte
   Central Dauphin
Lock Haven
11/26/2024 Seidel, Tucker West Perry Messiah College NCAA Div III Seidel, Tucker
   West Perry
Messiah College
1/14/2025 Oakes, Riley North Penn-Liberty Millersville University NCAA Div II Oakes, Riley
   North Penn-Liberty
Millersville University
11/21/2024 Pequignot, Brayden North Penn-Liberty Millersville University NCAA Div II Pequignot, Brayden
   North Penn-Liberty
Millersville University
11/15/2024 Weldon, Jack Coatesville Millersville University NCAA Div II Weldon, Jack
Millersville University
11/29/2024 McFarlane, Zach West Chester East Millersville University NCAA Div II McFarlane, Zach
   West Chester East
Millersville University
12/27/2023 Desmond, Nathan Wyoming Seminary Penn State NCAA Div I Desmond, Nathan
   Wyoming Seminary
Penn State
6/20/2023 Cunningham, Asher State College Penn State NCAA Div I Cunningham, Asher
   State College
Penn State
3/27/2022 Perry, Dalton Central Mountain Penn State NCAA Div I Perry, Dalton
   Central Mountain
Penn State
11/9/2024 Boylan, Luke Burrell Seton Hill University NCAA Div II Boylan, Luke
Seton Hill University
11/21/2024 Putt, Carter Indiana Seton Hill University NCAA Div II Putt, Carter
Seton Hill University
7/8/2024 Heard, Brian Abington Heights Pennsylvania NCAA Div I Heard, Brian
   Abington Heights
11/8/2023 Stein, Max Faith Christian Academy Pennsylvania NCAA Div I Stein, Max
   Faith Christian Academy
1/12/2025 Bouzakis, Vince Wyoming Seminary Pittsburgh NCAA Div I Bouzakis, Vince
   Wyoming Seminary
3/18/2024 Petrovich, Evan Connellsville Pittsburgh NCAA Div I Petrovich, Evan
10/6/2023 Marlow, Bode Thomas Jefferson Pittsburgh NCAA Div I Marlow, Bode
   Thomas Jefferson
8/17/2024 Morrison, Tyler West Perry Pittsburgh-Johnstown NCAA Div II Morrison, Tyler
   West Perry
9/10/2024 Radnor, John Peters Township Washington & Jefferson NCAA Div III Radnor, John
   Peters Township
Washington & Jefferson
11/12/2024 Romberger, Ashton Chambersburg Wilkes University NCAA Div III Romberger, Ashton
Wilkes University
10/7/2023 Welsh, Braedon Fort Cherry Brown University NCAA Div I Welsh, Braedon
   Fort Cherry
Brown University
10/4/2023 Fanella, Nico Indiana Brown University NCAA Div I Fanella, Nico
Brown University
10/11/2023 Seidel, Aaron Northern Lebanon Virginia Tech NCAA Div I Seidel, Aaron
   Northern Lebanon
Virginia Tech
10/14/2023 Gaj, Collin Quakertown Virginia Tech NCAA Div I Gaj, Collin
Virginia Tech
10/26/2024 Berrena, Nicholas State College Norwich University NCAA Div III Berrena, Nicholas
   State College
Norwich University
8/15/2024 Rush, Natalie Canon-McMillan West Liberty University NCAA Div II Rush, Natalie
West Liberty University
9/27/2024 Landrum, Sienna Downingtown West West Liberty University NCAA Div II Landrum, Sienna
   Downingtown West
West Liberty University
9/23/2024 Vielma, Lonzy Connellsville West Virginia NCAA Div I Vielma, Lonzy
West Virginia
6/18/2024 Torres, Jason Malvern Prep West Virginia NCAA Div I Torres, Jason
   Malvern Prep
West Virginia
9/9/2024 Islamov, Ramil Baldwin West Virginia NCAA Div I Islamov, Ramil
West Virginia
11/19/2023 Willochell, Luke Greater Latrobe Wyoming NCAA Div I Willochell, Luke
   Greater Latrobe
12/21/2024 Rupp, Loudon Columbia Alvernia University NCAA Div III Rupp, Loudon
Alvernia University
9/7/2024 Connolly, Logan Chartiers Valley Saint Vincent NCAA Div III Connolly, Logan
   Chartiers Valley
Saint Vincent
12/28/2024 Montes, Phil Cumberland Valley Misericordia NCAA Div III Montes, Phil
   Cumberland Valley
10/24/2024 Fouse, Jordyn Northern Bedford Grand Valley State NCAA Div II Fouse, Jordyn
   Northern Bedford
Grand Valley State
11/1/2024 Bibeau, Andi East Stroudsburg North Cedar Crest College NCAA Div III Bibeau, Andi
   East Stroudsburg North
Cedar Crest College
10/4/2024 Haines, Cole Unionville Arcadia University NCAA Div III Haines, Cole
Arcadia University